Computational Statistics
Second Edition

by Geof H. Givens and Jennifer A. Hoeting

A comprehensive text on modern and classical methods of statistical computing with detailed examples and problems drawn from diverse fields including ecology, genetics, medicine, computer vision, biology, remote sensing, and economics.
Buy it at Amazon or at Wiley, or  preview table of contents and preface

Cover art: "Champagne Circuit", 2001, by Melinda Stelzer

For our readers:

*The final paragraph of the first edition preface indicates if you own a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th printing copy.

"The authors write beautifully
-David W. Scott, Rice University, past editor of Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics and Journal of Computational Statistics
"I have adopted your book as a text for my class. I have taught different versions of this course since 1989 and your book covers just the right material for me with lots of real examples. I am enjoying it a lot. Congratulations...!"
--Susan Holmes, Stanford University, Director of the Stanford  Mathematical and Computational Sciences Interdisciplinary Program

"Let me say right away that I absolutely love your "Computational Statistics" book. I thought it was a major intellectual accomplishment when I read the first edition a few years ago, and I placed a pre-order for the 2nd edition the moment I heard it was going to be released... This is a crowded field with many books on these topics, but you have managed to outperform even full book-length treatments of [each of] these topics, with an excellent balance of practical advice and theoretical setup."

--Anand Bodapati, UCLA
"This book will be a terrific reference for workers in the field"
-Michael Newton, Univ. of Wisconsin, ASA Fellow and 2004 COPSS Presidents' Award recipient
"This book includes more of the topics that I think are crucial for statistical computing than any other text I've encountered"
--Kate Cowles, Univ. of Iowa
"The book includes a solid theoretical background at the introductory graduate level, practical advice, application to real datasets, .... It covers a large selection of topics very well. ...This is an excellent first edition of a text that I hope to use the next time I teach a statistical computing course."
--Duncan Murdoch, Univ. of Western Ontario, reviewing the first edition for Journal of Statistical Software

For teachers:
  • Email us about 260 pages of lecture slides covering selected topics.  Of course, we also have the datasets and R code.

Contributions from readers:
  • We invite readers to send us new homework problems and datasets via email. These may be added to this website. You will be credited if we use them in a future edition.

Short courses for scientists, statisticians, and professionals: