lasso.adapt.bic2<-function(x,y){ # adaptive lasso from lars with BIC stopping rule # this one uses the "known variance" version of BIC with RSS/(full model mse) # must use a recent version of R so that normalize=FALSE can be used in lars require(lars) ok<-complete.cases(x,y) x<-x[ok,] # get rid of na's y<-y[ok] # since regsubsets can't handle na's m<-ncol(x) n<-nrow(x) x<-as.matrix(x) # in case x is not a matrix # standardize variables like lars does one <- rep(1, n) meanx <- drop(one %*% x)/n xc <- scale(x, meanx, FALSE) # first subtracts mean normx <- sqrt(drop(one %*% (xc^2))) names(normx) <- NULL xs <- scale(xc, FALSE, normx) # now rescales with norm (not sd) # ols fit on standardized$coeff[2:(m+1)] # ols except for intercept w=abs(beta.ols) # weights for adaptive lasso xs=scale(xs,center=FALSE,scale=1/w) # xs times the weights object=lars(xs,y,type="lasso",normalize=FALSE) # get min BIC # bic=log(n)*object$df+n*log(as.vector(object$RSS)/n) # rss/n version sig2f=summary($sigma^2 # full model mse bic2=log(n)*object$df+as.vector(object$RSS)/sig2f # Cp version step.bic2=which.min(bic2) # step with min BIC fit=predict.lars(object,xs,s=step.bic2,type="fit",mode="step")$fit coeff=predict.lars(object,xs,s=step.bic2,type="coef",mode="step")$coefficients coeff=coeff*w/normx # get back in right scale st=sum(coeff !=0) # number nonzero mse=sum((y-fit)^2)/(n-st-1) # 1 for the intercept # this next line just finds the variable id of coeff. not equal 0 if(st>0) x.ind<-as.vector(which(coeff !=0)) else x.ind<-0 intercept=as.numeric(mean(y)-meanx%*%coeff) return(list(fit=fit,st=st,mse=mse,x.ind=x.ind,coeff=coeff,intercept=intercept,object=object, bic2=bic2,step.bic2=step.bic2)) }