The conference, June 2-3, will be hosted by the Department
of Statistics, Colorado State University at the Hilton Fort Collins (formerly
known as University Park Holiday-Inn). This will provide an opportunity to
bring together leading researchers in the fields of Statistics and Information
Technology (Data mining, Machine learning, Information theory, Classification,
Vision and Imaging, Sensor networks, etc) and young investigators and graduate
students interested in this area.
There will be a
one-day short course, Information
Theory and Statistics, preceding the conference on Wednesday,
June 1, in the Clark Building A202 on the Colorado State University Campus.
Registration/check-in is in the Clark Building between 8:30 and 9:00am on June
1st. The short course will be conducted by Bin Yu (UC Berkeley) and Mark Hansen (UCLA).
The computer laboratory in Weber 202 will be used following presentations made
in the Clark Building
Poster Papers may be submitted to Thomas
Lee (tlee at stat dot stat dot colostate dot edu).
The deadline is April 1, 2005. Early submissions encouraged. Limited funding is
available for providing partial support for poster presenters.
Program Committee: