Piotr Kokoszka

Contact Information

E-mail: firstName.lastName AT colostate.edu
Phone: (970) 491 6870
Address: Department of Statistics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
Office: Statistics 202

Research Interests

My research is concerned with statistical modeling and inference. Areas of current interest include:

Selected recent publications

  • P. Kokoszka, T. Kutta, N. Mohammadi, H. Wang and S. Wang, Detection of a structural break in intraday volatility pattern, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 176 , 000-000, 2024 pdf file pdf E-component
  • P. Kokoszka, N. Mohammadi, H. Wang and S. Wang, Functional diffusion driven stochastic volatility model, Bernoulli, 00 , 000-000, 2024 pdf file
  • L. Horvath, P. Kokoszka and S. Lu, Variable Selection Based Testing for Parameter Changes in Regression with Autoregressive Dependence, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 42, 1331-1343, 2024 pdf file

    More papers   Google scholar

    Monograph on functional data   FDA textbook   Data sets:   zip file

    Editorial service

    Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (B)
    Journal of the American Statistical Association
    Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis
    Journal of Time Series Analysis
    Probability and Mathematical Statistics
    Statistical Modelling

    Other links

    About me, Canadian Journal of Statistics award , JTSA distinguished author award , WAMI project, Warsaw talk , Ben's code